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C-More Micro HMI Program Quick Start

visibility 3K views calendar_month Oct 12, 2022

We will now look at the C-More Micro program quick start. This will demonstrate how to quickly get your C-More micro program up and communicate to your programmable logic controller. (PLC) The general steps involved with a human-machine interface (HMI) program will include program development, ladder logic, and HMI program development. We will be breaking the HMI program development into program purpose, tag import, HMI programming, simulation, and testing. An EA3-T4CL C-More Micro HMI will be used to communicate to a Click PLC via Ethernet. A Start/Stop circuit will be programmed with a Timer. This can be controlled via the PLC inputs or HMI inputs. The timer present value (PV) will be shown on the HMI. The timer's set value (SV) can be changed using the HMI. Let's get started. More information can be obtained on our website. This includes all of the links mentioned in this video. https://accautomation.ca/c-more-micro-program-quick-start/ 00:00 C-More Micro Program Quick Start 03:28 Click PLC Export Nickname Tags 05:08 Click Ethernet Port IP 06:15 HMI Development Quick Start 07:50 C-More Micro Program Setup 10:07 C-More Import Tags 11:25 C-More Micro Program 20:20 C-More Micro Simulator 22:08 C-More Micro Program Transfer - Hardware 23:41 C-More Micro Testing Previously we have discussed the following in our C-More Micro HMI Panel: System Hardware

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