PLC Beginner’s Guide to PLC Programming

PLC Beginner’s Guide to PLC Programming

There are many different PLC manufacturers with other hardware and software. All of the programmable logic controllers have similar basic features. Here is how I would approach learning about basic PLCs.

What is a PLC? (Programmable Logic Controller)Video
Top 7 problems with beginners using ladder logicVideo
PLC Programming Concepts NOT Well Understood
Part 1 – Scan, Ladder Logic – Video
Creating a Virtual PLC Programming EnvironmentVideo
Retrieving Your Windows 11 Product KeyVideo

PLC Training Series – Tutorial for Everyone

Introduction PLC Learning SeriesVideo
What are PLC Inputs?Video
Testing and Wiring PLC Digital InputsVideo
What are PLC Outputs?Video
Memory BackupVideo
Learn the 4 Basic Variable Types in PLC ProgrammingVideo
Understanding Number ValuesVideo
Program Cyclic ScanVideo
Programming Steps (PLC Program Development)Video
HMI InterfacingVideo
Wiring a Stack LightVideo

PLC Hardware / Wiring Guide

PLC Beginner's Guide to PLC Programming
Here is a list of the essential elements of a PLC system. This is common to all PLC models.

PLC Online Ladder Programming – Testing or Training

PLCs can be programmed in several different languages. The most common are Ladder logic and STL.
Here is a simple online PLC ladder editor. It will allow you to create some simple ladder logic and test it.
PLC Beginner's Guide to PLC ProgrammingPLC Fiddle – Online PLC Ladder EditorVideo
– Basic Gate Ladder Logic Challenges (Video Solutions available after the challenge) – AND, OR, NAND, NOR, EXOR, EXNOR
Timer Challenge (Video Solutions available after the challenge) – On-Delay Timer, Off-Delay Timer, Pulse Output Timer
Counter Challenge (Video Solutions available after the challenge) – Motor Starter service Counter, Count Down, Hour Minute Second Counter
Math Challenge (Video Solutions available after the challenge) – Occupancy Count, Degree F, and C Determine the Scan Rate of PLC Fiddle
Compare Challenge (Video Solutions available after the challenge)- Motor Starter Service Stop, Flasher, Simple Traffic Light
Shift Register Challenge (Video Solutions available after the challenge) – Shift Register, Shift Register Output

If you have gone through the above material, you are probably looking to try some of this new knowledge. Here is a series based on free software and a PLC simulator from Automation Direct. It is all written in ladder logic. Most of this information will apply to a majority of PLC manufacturers.

PLC Beginner’s Series with Free Simulator – Do-More Designer

plc guide programming

The Most Powerful PLC Instruction?Video
The Most Powerful PLC Instruction?

PLC Program Development

plc guide programming
Developing the PLC program is a process that can be clearly defined. Here is a series showing you the five steps and some practical examples.
Click PLC – Easy Transfer Line Programming – Video
Productivity PLC Simulator – Chain Conveyor MSVideo
Box Dumper Easily Learn PLC Programming
Box Dumper Easily Learn PLC Programming (Do-More Designer Simulator) – Video

Creating the Ultimate Automation Training Setup
Part 1Video
Creating the Ultimate Automation Training Setup Part 1

PLC  Interface: HMI – Human Machine Interface

plc guide programming
The next step is developing your PLC environment using an HMI. (Human Machine Interface)

What you want to do now is look at the PLCs used in your area. What manufacturer is the most common? What are the models that they are using?

I would then try to get some hardware and software from the manufacturer you will be using. Visit their website and contact their office for information.

PLC Programming Guide Resources

Here are some free PLC manuals available on the web:
A Practical Guide to Programmable Logic Controllers
Engineering on a Disk
Lessons In Industrial Instrumentation
Automation Direct EBooks
Practical Guide to Discrete Sensors for Industrial Applications
A Practical Guide to AC Motors
Practical Guide to Pneumatics
A Practical Guide to Programmable Logic Controllers
An Industry Guide To Control System Engineering

I hope this is helpful to you.

Garry Shortt is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.