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Computers & Electronics
Monitoring Software

Productivity Open P1AM Industrial Arduino Serial Monitor COM

10K views · Oct 13, 2022
Visit Channel:publisher-humix
The Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) has a built-in pop-up serial monitor. The serial monitor can be used to receive and send serial data to our Arduino program. This can be a great feature to help us in debugging or controlling Arduino programs. (Sketches) We will be modifying the blinking light program that we did previously and add a one to an integer every time the P1AM-100 Arduino CPU switch is on. This will be then printed on the serial monitor. Removing the blinking light, we will run our program again and see the difference in speed with the delay instructions removed. Productivity blocks will be used to program our industrial Arduino controller. We will then look at escape character codes that we can use with our industrial Arduino. Since the built-in serial monitor will not interpret the escape codes, we will be using Putty as our serial monitor program. Let's get started. More information can be obtained on our website. This includes all of the links mentioned in this video. Here are previous posts in this Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller Series. A full list can be obtained at the following location: Industrial Controller Hardware - Starter Kit Unboxing Video - Powering Up Video Installing the Software First Program Program Structure Variables Data Types There are several reasons why we are using the Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller. Here are just a few. - CE and UL certified - Designed to be MKRZero compatible - Industrial shields available - Ethernet and general-purpose IO - 15 Productivity 1000 PLC modules can be added - Customize your system - Use your Arduino programs in the industrial environment - Micro USB port - Power the CPU only and programming - Micro SD card slot - Programmable toggle switch - CPU LED light - Free software - Arduino IDE - Productivity blocks - Program Development Time Saver The Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller currently has all of these features built into the P1AM-100 CPU.
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