Productivity Open is an industrial rated Arduino compatible platform controller. This rugged open-sourced CPU mimics the MKRZero Arduino. You can add standard MKRZero shields (Add-on Boards), along with the Productivity 1000 PLC I/O.
The Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller is CE and UL certified. Approved industrial standards ensure that your panels operate equipment and systems in a wide range of industrial environments and enable the safe functioning of equipment.
Industrial electrical noise isolation has been incorporated in the design of the Productivity Open. Voltages up to 240VAC can now be used with up to 3A output ratings on your maker project.
We will be unboxing and powering up our Productivity Open Starter Kit complete with an Ethernet and general-purpose IO Shield. Our kit also comes with a Productivity 1000 Analog input/output module. Let’s get started.
What is Arduino?
Arduino consists of a family of single programmable circuit boards and the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that uses a streamlined version of C++ to write and upload code to the boards. Many pre-configured circuit boards, called “shields”, are available to expand the functionality of the Arduino controller. These shields can provide Ethernet, WiFi, GPS, LCD displays, and motor controls, among others, by simply “stacking” or connecting the shields to the Arduino controller board.
The Productivity Open provides a field-tested solution to account for vibration, noise, and temperature fluctuations. You should not just put an off the shelf Arduino into an industrial environment. Easy to use wiring options and din rail mounting is available for the productivity open Arduino controller.
What is “open-source”?
The term “open source” is used to describe a program or software created by one developer that is available to be used and/or modified in any way by other developers and users without licensing fees, royalties due, or restrictions on the use of the source code. Open source has evolved to also include hardware, shared schematics, and PCB production files that are often readily available to anyone. This type of shared development has spawned an enormous “Maker” community. Numerous Maker sites can be found online with a vast collection of simple, helpful and most of all reusable, DIY projects.
The P1AM-100 (Productivity Open) industrial controller is programmed with the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment). This software is open-sourced and available free of charge. See the links below.
Open-Source Communities
Open-source communities and the websites dedicated to them provide sharing of ideas and finding innovative ways to solve complex problems. Sites like MakerPro and GitHub allow hobbyists and professionals to work together to create interesting solutions for difficult or everyday problems.
The Productivity Open Arduino compatible CPU is not a PLC. The following chart will explain some of the differences.
Watch on YouTube: Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller Starter Kit Unboxing

P1AM-START1 – Starter Kit with Ethernet
(1) P1AM-100 CPU,
(1) P1AM-ETH Ethernet shield,
(1) P1AM-GPIO general-purpose I/O shield,
(1) P1-4ADL2DAL-1 analog combo module,
(1) PSL-24-030 power supply,
(1) USB-CBL-AMICB6 programming cable,
(1) 3-wire power cable,
(1) P2-RTB terminal block
(1) P1-10RTB terminal block
P1AM-100 CPU – Arduino Industrial Controller
– designed to be MKRZero compatible. This means that you can add to your system depending on your application. These are called shields. There are industrial shields available or you can add multi vendor shields that work with the MKRZero form factor.
– The industrial proven Productivity 1000 PLC modules (15 units) can also be added to your custom system.
This flexible system will allow you (Makers) to place your projects in the industrial environment confidently.
– The micro USB port, Micro SD card slot, and a programmable toggle switch and CPU LED light.
Productivity open shields
– Connect to the left side of the CPU
– Ethernet card and general purpose IO module
Add additional Arduino shields – MKRZero compatible
Note: The P1AM CPU Base Controller uses pins A3 and A4 so any shield that uses these same pins will have a conflict.
Productivity 1000 IO modules – UL and CE approved
Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller Powering Up
The productivity open requires an external 24VDC supply. This is located on the bottom 3 terminal connector on the CPU unit.
The P1AM-100 can also be powered with a USB cable. This is ideal if you just want to quickly install your program.
Watch the video below on powering up our Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller.
Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Links:
Product Hardware
– Productivity Open (Automation Direct)
– P1AM-100 Specifications
– Productivity Open User Manual
– Configure a Productivity Open Arduino-based Controller
– Open Source Controllers (Arduino-Compatible)
– Productivity Open Documentation (Facts Engineering)
– P1AM Design Files
– Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
– P1AM-100 library (Easy Interface for controlling P1000 Modules)
– Productivity Blocks (Development Timesaver)
– Productivity Blocks Documentation (Wiki)
– Automation Direct Forum – Open Source Devices
Next time we will look at installing the software for our P1AM-100 Arduino Industrial Controller.
Watch on YouTube: Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller Powering Up
If you have any questions or need further information please contact me.
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