Horner XL4 Installing the Software Cscape

The Horner XL4 OCS all-in-one controller is programmed using Csape. Cscape (Control Station Central Application Programming Environment) This single programming software package is designed to be easy to use and maintain. We will now install this programming package onto our computer.

Previously we discussed the Horner XL4 System Hardware

Download Horner Cscape Programming Software

The first thing that we need to do is to download the free Cscape software from Horner. Here is the link from Horner Canada:
Here is the link from Horner USA:
Note: You must register before you can download the software. This is free to register.

The current version of the software is 9.70 SP1. The file name is Cscape_9.70_SP1_No_Symbols_Setup.exe

Installing Horner Cscape All In One Programming Software

Once you have the software downloaded. Double click the file to start the installation. The minimum requirements are as follows:
Pentium 3 450 MHz, 256MB RAM, Windows 2000, XP, Windows 7
Horner XL4 Installing the Software 010-min

You will now see an initial splash screen. Hit Next to continue the installation.
Horner XL4 Installing the Software 020-min

A warning screen will then appear to inform you that you will be installing Cscape 9.70 onto your computer. Hit Next to continue.
Horner XL4 Installing the Software 030-min

A licensing agreement will now be presented. You must accept the terms of the license agreement to continue. Click ‘I accept the terms in the license agreement’ and then hit Next to continue.
Horner XL4 Installing the Software 040-min

The files will now be copied to your computer.
Horner XL4 Installing the Software 050-min

Setup Type will now be presented to you. Select Typical and this will install all of the features of the program into your computer. Hit Next to continue.
XL4 Programming Application

The installation package will now ask if you want everyone who uses the computer to have access to this software or just you. (The person currently signed into the computer.)
Once you made your choice hit Next to continue.
XL4 Programming Application

The package will now install onto your computer and update your system files.
XL4 Programming Application

When Cscape has finished installing it will allow you to launch the program after you hit the Finish button.
XL4 Programming Application

The Cscape programming package has now finished installing on your computer.

The programming and reference manual for Cscape can be downloaded at the following URL:

Next time we will look at Setting up the free Cscape software.

Watch on YouTube: Horner XL4 Installing the Software Cscape

If you have any questions or need further information please contact me.
Thank you,

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