Node-RED Modbus TCP Handling Errors

Node-RED Modbus TCP Handling Communication Errors

Node-RED Modbus TCP can recover from communication errors automatically. Options are available to you the programmer to continue the Node-RED flow upon detection of these errors. Broken Ethernet cable, Modbus Server power, and Node-RED Client offline are just a few of the errors that can occur on the industrial plant floor. Our Node-RED program must … Read more

Simple Click Data Logging – Node-RED

Simple Click Data Logging

We will now be looking at simple data logging using a Click PLC with an Ethernet port. Node-RED will be used to communicate to the controller via Modbus TCP protocol. Information collected will be then stored in an SQLite SQL database. A Raspberry Pi 4 single-board computer will be used for the Node-RED collecting and … Read more

Install Node-RED on Raspberry Pi 4

Install Node-RED on Raspberry Pi 4

We will now be installing Node-RED on a Raspberry Pi 4 single-board computer. A static IP address will also be given for both the WiFi and Ethernet connections. The Raspberry Pi has quickly become a fixture in the industrial environment when utilizing the internet of things. (IoT) We will be utilizing this low-cost computer to … Read more

Node-RED SQL Database Spreadsheet Connection

Node-RED SQL Database Spreadsheet Connection

We will now look at the connection to our SQL database using a spreadsheet application. Previously we used Node-RED to communicate Modbus TCP and RTU to our Click PLC and Solo Temperature Controller. The information collected from the controllers was then put into an SQLite SQL database. Spreadsheets like Excel are great for analysis of … Read more

Node-RED SQL Database Log – Modbus Logging

Node-RED SQL Database Log - Modbus Logging

Node-RED can easily log data to a database. SQL (Structured Query Language) can be used to communicate to a SQL database. Databases separate analysis from the data unlike spreadsheets like Excel. The database is designed to hold more information than spreadsheets and allow multiple users to access the information. We will be creating an SQLite … Read more

Node-RED User Interface – Dashboards

Node-RED User Interface - Dashboards

Node-RED can easily display interactive information to the user or operator using a web browser on your phone, tablet, or computer. Any device that has access to the network in which node-red is running. We will be installing the node-red-dashboard palette. This allows us to create a live data dashboard user interface. (UI) The information … Read more

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