Productivity P1AM Arduino Variables Data Types

We will look at Arduino variables data types that can be used with our P1AM unit. Data types in the C++ language are used to determine the variable or function applied for the given type. The type will determine the size of the storage (bits), and the method to interpret the information. Microprocessors can only … Read more

P1AM Industrial Arduino Program Structure

We will now look at the P1AM industrial Arduino program structure. The P1AM-100 industrial controller is programmed with the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment). The arduino IDE will allow us to write sketches (programs). These sketches have basic common elements like setup and loop. We will be looking at these elements in our first program … Read more

Productivity Open P1AM Arduino First Program

The P1AM-100 industrial controller is programmed with the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment). We installed the Arduino IDE, P1AM-100 library and ProductivityBlocks. Using this software we will be setting it up to program our P1AM Arduino industrial controller. The Boards Manager will be used to set up our P1AM-100 Arduino board. We will then ensure … Read more

P1AM Arduino Controller Installing the Software

The P1AM-100 industrial controller is programmed with the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment). The C++ programming environment is emerging in industrial automation. This software is open-sourced and available free of charge. It will run on Windows, Mac, or Linux. ProductivityBlocks is a graphical programming interface and add-on to the Arduino IDE. It helps you build … Read more

Productivity Open Arduino Industrial Controller

Productivity Open is an industrial rated Arduino compatible platform controller. This rugged open-sourced CPU mimics the MKRZero Arduino. You can add standard MKRZero shields (Add-on Boards), along with the Productivity 1000 PLC I/O. The Productivity Open Arduino Compatible Industrial Controller is CE and UL certified. Approved industrial standards ensure that your panels operate equipment and … Read more

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