Learn PLC Programming without spending a dime!

I have been writing PLC programs for over 20 years. I often get asked what the best way to learn PLC programming is. Programming in the way I was taught in college was with the Motorola 6809. (Yes, I know that I am dating myself) This was microprocessor programming, but it was the best way to explain the methods behind PLC programming. Manufacturers of PLCs had proprietary software unrelated to their appearance and programming methods. Today we have a few standards that have changed the look and feel of the programming software packages, so each manufacturer is similar. The following is the best recommendation for beginners to learn PLC programming today.

How you can learn PLC Programming without spending a dime! Free

The first place to start learning PLC programming is a free publication by Kevin Collins. This PDF will teach you PLC programming without telling you what a PLC is and how it functions. He also includes some test questions along the way for you to retain and understand the essential points that he is making.

PLC Programming for Industrial Automation

by Kevin Collins
(Note: This book is now for sale on Amazon.)

Topics covered include:

  • PLC Basics
  • Ladder Programming
  • Conditional Logic
  • Ladder Diagrams
  • Normally closed contacts
  • Outputs and latches
  • Internal relays
  • Timers
  • The Pulse Generator
  • Counters
  • Sequential Programming Introduction
  • Evolution of the Sequential Function Chart
  • Programming using the Sequential Function Chart
  • Entering the SFC program into the PLC
  • Modifying an SFC Program
  • Selective Branching
  • Parallel Branching

Ladder Logic Program Sample

How you can learn PLC Programming without spending a dime! Free

PLC Simulator – Learn PLC Programming Free

After learning the basics from the above manual, practice, create programs, and test what you have learned. You can accomplish this by using simulators. A lot of the programming software will have simulators. The simulator will mimic the PLC hardware so you can test your programs before installing them in the field. Traditionally I have not been a fan of simulators, but recently Automation Direct has introduced a simulator with their Do-More PLC. It is the Do-More Designer Software. This software simulator includes the instruction set (Not Just a Bit of Logic) and communication protocols. It can be downloaded and installed for free from the above link.

Ladder Logic Program Sample

Advanced PLC Programming Instructions

The next step I recommend is to advance into some advanced instructions. Math, PID, register manipulation, and conversion instructions are just a few of the advanced programming you can learn. An understanding of the numbering systems in the PLC will be a benefit. This and more instruction information can be obtained from reviewing the documentation from the PLC manual you are programming. Once again, all of these instructions are included in the Do-More Designer Software.

How you can learn PLC Programming without spending a dime! Free

PLC Programming Structure

The program structure is the next topic. Many programmers would stop here and can do well with developing software; however, there is much more you can learn. Sequencers give programmers the methods to change the logic on the fly and allow troubleshooting the system more accessible. This programming method can significantly benefit you and reduce your logic’s development time.

How you can learn PLC Programming without spending a dime! FreeHow you can learn PLC Programming without spending a dime! Free

PLC Programming – Information Sharing

The last step that I recommend learning is the sharing of information. I mean the information that you program through an HMI and SCADA package. This refers to understanding how data can be gathered from the PLC and displayed in different ways. Here are a couple of previous articles that have been written on this subject:

How to Implement the Omron PLC Host Link Protocol 

Robust PLC Data Logger

How you can learn PLC Programming without spending a dime! Free

As you can see, a lot of information is available to you to begin and learn PLC programming without spending a dime! Remember that PLCs are similar to computers (Moore’s Law). They increase in size and ability. Systems are expanding and changing every day. Happy programming.

Do you know of additional tips or methods to share?
PLC Beginner’s Guide – Many different PLC manufacturers have other hardware and software. All of the programmable logic controllers have similar basic features. Here is how I would approach learning about basic PLCs.

Watch on YouTube: How you can learn PLC Programming without spending a dime!

If you have any questions or need further information, please get in touch with me.
Thank you,

If you’re like most of my readers, you’re committed to learning about technology. Numbering systems used in PLCs are not challenging to learn and understand. We will walk through the numbering systems used in PLCs. This includes Bits, decimals, Hexadecimal, ASCII, and Floating points.

To get this free article, subscribe to my free email newsletter.

Use the information to inform other people how numbering systems work. Sign up now.

The ‘Robust Data Logging for Free’ eBook is also available as a free download. The link is included when you subscribe to ACC Automation.

3 thoughts on “Learn PLC Programming without spending a dime!”

  1. I didn’t realize that there are free PDFs that you can download to learn some basic PLC programming. That is a field that has always interested me, and I am thinking of starting to learn more about it. If I am going to learn this type of programming, I think that working with a professional would be the best method for me to do.

  2. I have studied digital computer technology but now I am interested in learing PLC programming and Plc technology


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