Productivity BRX Do-More EtherNet/IP Remote IO

Productivity 1000 Series PLC BRX Do-More EthernetIP Remote IO

We will now utilize Ethernet/IP to connect a BRX Do-More PLC as remote IO on a Productivity system. The productivity series of controllers can use explicit and implicit messaging techniques of EtherNet/IP to optimize data exchanges across the network. Explicit messaging means that the data messages that are transmitted will contain everything needed in order … Read more

Productivity 1000 PLC Click EtherNetIP Remote IO

Productivity 1000 Series PLC Click EthernetIP Remote IO

We will now utilize Ethernet/IP to connect a Click PLC as remote IO on a Productivity system. The productivity series of controllers can use explicit and implicit messaging techniques of EtherNet/IP to optimize data exchanges across the network. Explicit messaging means that the data messages that are transmitted will contain everything needed in order to … Read more

BRX Do-More PLC FTP Client Get Put

BRX Do-More PLC FTP Client Get Put Windows 10 FTP Server

We will look at the BRX Do-More FTP (File Transfer Protocol) on our PLC. Using FTPGET and FTPPUT instructions we can transfer files to an FTP server. Our BRX Do-More PLC now has the ability to be an FTP Client. This will allow us to transfer our logged files to an FTP server that we … Read more

BRX Do-More PLC Peerlink Ethernet Network

The BRX Do-More PLC Peerlink Ethernet communication network is one of the easiest networks to set up and run. Peerlink is a shared programmable logic controller (PLC) common memory area within a local network. Do-More central processing units (CPUs) or DirectLogic PLC systems using ECOM100 modules can read the entire area and write to their … Read more

BRX Do-More PLC Modbus ASCII Protocol

Do-more plc modbus ascii protocol will be used to communicate to a  Solo process temperature controller. A sample program will explain in detail how this is accomplished through a serial port. Modbus is a communication method used for transmitting information over serial lines between electronic devices. The device requesting the information is called the Modbus … Read more

Productivity 1000 PLC Modbus ASCII Protocol

We will not look at the productivity 1000 plc modbus ascii protocol to the Solo process temperature controller. This will be done in ladder logic on our productivity 1000 PLC. Modbus ASCII is a communication method used for transmitting information over serial lines between electronic devices. The device requesting the information is called the Modbus … Read more