PLC Example – Sorting Station (Shift Register)

plc example shift register sorting station

We will use the PLC to sort items on a conveyor operating shift register instructions. We will apply the five steps to a PLC example program development of a sorting station. The program will use shift registers to track colored parts down a conveyor and sort, depending on color, into one of three locations. Developing … Read more

PLC Programming Example – Pick and Place

We will apply the five steps to PLC program development to a pick and place robot example. The example will use a BRX PLC communicating to Factory IO (3D Software Simulator). Developing the PLC program is a process that can be clearly defined. In our series on the five steps to PLC program development, we … Read more

PLC Programming – Delay Starting of 7 Motors

PLC Programming Example – Delay Starting of 7 Motors

We will look at a PLC programming example of delaying the start of 7 motors. Each motor will be on a switch that the operator can select at any time. The motor outputs should have a 5-second delay between the outputs coming on. This question originally came from An original solution to the problem … Read more

What are the Different PLC Programming Languages

PLC programs are typically written in a particular application on a personal computer, then downloaded to the PLC. This downloaded program is similar to compiled code to keep the program efficient. The program is stored in the PLC in battery-backed-up RAM or non-volatile flash memory. Five Different PLC Programming Languages Albert Einstein said, “The world … Read more

PLC Program Example – Paint Spraying

We will look at a PLC basic tutorial of a paint spraying station. Following the five steps to program development, this PLC programming example should fully explain the procedure for developing the PLC program logic. Ladder logic will be our PLC programming language. We will use the Do-more Designer software, which comes with a simulator. … Read more

PLC Programming Example – Process Mixer

We will apply the five steps to PLC Program development to our following programming example of a process mixer. The process mixer will be programmed using ladder logic. We will discuss each step of the PLC program development. 1 – Define the task: How does the process mixer work? A normally open start and normally … Read more