C-More CM5 HMI Series Panel System Setup Screens

C-More CM5 HMI Series Panel System Setup Screens

The C-more touch panels include a series of built-in System Setup Screens that allow you to view detailed information about the panel, adjust certain features, configure communications, test various functions of the touch panel, backup and restore firmware, a recipe, log and project memory, clear memory, and reset all values and conditions back to the … Read more

Install & Com w/ XG5000 PLC: Guide for Beginners

Install & Com w/ XG5000 PLC: Guide for Beginners

Programming a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) can be daunting, especially if you need to become more familiar with the software and hardware. We’ll guide you through installing the XG5000 programming software to program the LS Electric XGB PLC. A mini USB cable will establish communication and set up the Ethernet port on the CPU unit. … Read more

Benchwork 1 Do-More Practice PLC Programming

Benchwork 1 Do-More Practice PLC Programming

Benchwork 1 is a great way to practice PLC programming. We will use the Do-More Designer simulator to program this scene from the Machine Simulator Software suite. This suite was previously called EasyPLC but has since changed its name to describe this industry-leading learning software better. The Machine Simulator suite comprises several machines that can … Read more

Installing C-more CM5 HMI Software Step by Step

Installing C-more CM5 HMI Software Step by Step

C-More CM5 (HMI) programming software programs the CM5 series of controllers. This software and hardware can be used in various industries, such as manufacturing, automotive, and food processing. It is known for its user-friendly interface and powerful features that make designing and implementing HMI applications easy. Each of the C-More series will have its own … Read more

Transform Automation with LS XGB PLC: The Solution

Transform Automation with LS XGB PLC: The Solution

The LS XGB PLC is a compact industrial controller with advanced motion control capabilities and an IEC programming environment. The FREE programming software allows you to program in several IEC standard PLC languages, such as ladder diagram (LD), structured text (ST), sequential function chart (SFC), and instruction list (IL). User-defined functions/tags and easy tag creation … Read more

The Most Powerful PLC Instruction?

The Most Powerful PLC Instruction?

What is the most powerful PLC instruction? What instruction or concept is the most powerful when programming any manufacturer’s PLCs? Many people will guess timers, counters, or the set and reset bit instructions. These are all great instructions, but the most powerful is the indirect or pointer instruction. In PLC programming, pointers, also called indirect … Read more