C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging

The C-More HMI Panel can log data using the Line Trend Graph or PID Faceplate Trend Graph objects. When Save Log Data is selected on the Options tab configuration for that object, data is written to a “.txt ” file saved to the storage device selected.
Data Logging is commonly used to monitor systems and/or processes taking place at an industrial facility, providing time, date, and current conditions as configured on the Object. Data Logging can be used to collect temperatures, flows, alarms, levels, pressure and just about any instrument measurable condition.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
We will be data logging from a Line Trend Graph. A register (word) made up of bits will also be logged. We will log this information every second on our USB stick. Starting/stopping the logging can be controlled on the HMI as well as USB reject. Once the USB is ejected, it can then be connected to our computer to review the files. We will also view and download the files from our web server that we enabled last time on our C-More EA9 HMI panel. Let’s get started.

Previously in this C-More EA9 HMI Panel series, we have done the following:
System Hardware
Unboxing and Review Video
Powering the Unit Video
Installing the SoftwareVideo
System Setup ScreensVideo
First Program
Establishing Communication and Updating Firmware Video
First Program Video
Panel to PLC and PLC to Panel SettingsVideo
Common Screen MenuVideo
Simulate ProjectVideo
Object List ShapesVideo
Object List ButtonsVideo
Object List IndicatorsVideo
Object List EntryVideo
Object List Meters and GraphsVideo
Object List BitmapsVideo
Object List RecipeVideo
Define Custom KeypadVideo
Object List AlarmsVideo
Object List TextVideo
Object List ClockVideo
Barcode Scanner InputVideo
Web Server and Remote AccessVideo

Watch the video below to see the data logging to USB in action on our C-More EA9 HMI Panel.

Setting Our C-More Data Logging Screen

We will be adding to the program we created last time. (Web Server and Remote Access)
Select a new screen under the main menu | Screen | New Screen…
Alternatively, we can also use the icons in the Navigation panel.

We will name screen 16 Data Logging. The screen description can be used to describe the screen. Hit OK.
Our new screen will now be displayed.

Under the property list window, turn on the editing and enable the show background. Select Common Screen Menu under the background screen. Turn off the edit mode under the property list.

We must now add our new screen so we can select it when using the common screen menu. Select page 100. Select the Screen Selector button. Under the Screen tab, select page 16 – Data Logging and hit the Add button so it moves it over to the Current Screen Buttons. Hit OK. We can now go back to our newly created Data Logging screen page 16 from our navigation window.

Go to screen 7 – Meter_Graph and right-click on the Line Trend Graph. Select Copy.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
Go to screen 16 – Data Logging and right-click on the work area and select paste. We can then resize the line trend graph to fit the screen.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
Double click on the line trend graph to call up the Line Trend Graph window.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
You can see all of the settings that we previously set for the graph. Note that the sample rate is set for an interval of 1 second. Select the Pen tab.
In general, attempts to log data at intervals faster than once per second will be unreliable due to the write time required.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
We will now add an additional pen to our graph. This will be memory location MHR510 – Logged Bits as Word. The colour will be white so it will not appear on our graph. Click the Options tab.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
Select the save log data box. The log file name will be ‘Data Logging’ Line Trend Graph 1. Set the device to be USB. Select OK
Our line trend graph is now set to log to our USB device.

USB Operation – C-More Data Logging

We will now add some indication and control to our USB device. This will allow us to see if the USB is present, writing, and have the ability to eject the device.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
We will now add an Indicator Light under the Indicator heading in the Object list window. Left-click (hold) and drag the default from the parts list onto the screen.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
The off text will be set for USB OFF. The ON text will be set for USB ON. Our tag name for the indicator light will be the system bit SYS USB READYTOUSE. Select OK.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
We will also add a USB write indication light. The OFF and ON text will be set as USB WRITE. The tag name will be set for the system bit SYS USB WRITESTATUS. Select OK.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
We will now add a Pushbutton under the Button heading in the Object list window. Left-click (hold) and drag the default from the parts list onto the screen.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
The OFF and ON text will be set for USB REJECT. The tag name will be the system bit SYS USB REJECT. The object type will be set for momentary on. Select OK.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
Our screen is now set to start logging data.

Panel Manager – C-More Data Logging

C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
Select panel manager from the main menu | Setup | Panel Manager… You can also call up the panel manager by selecting it under Setup in the Function tab of the Navigation window.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
We can select ‘add header row into log file’ in the panel manager. This is the default value.
A maximum of 16 log files per panel can be used with the Trend Graph / PID Trend Log Data. You will also see that we can save our Alarm List Log and Message Database Log to memory devices. The capture will be used for screen captures.

PLC Program Additions for C-More Data Logging

Using the program we previously developed, we will add an additional rung to copy the bits to the address MHR510.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
WX0, WX1, and WX2 are the inputs that will be placed on the Line Trend Graph.
These are placed in MHR500, MHR501, and MHR502. MHR510 is also read and placed on the graph. This is a combination of bits in the PLC. X0 to X15 – MHR510.
This way we can log the individual bits.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
Watch the video below to see this in action on our C-More HMI.

Download the programs and run the software.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
Our information will now be logged onto our USB.

Monitor the Data Logging File – C-More EA9

Call our Google chrome browser and enter the IP address of our HMI to see the webserver. Enter our credentials from last time. Username: ACC Automation Password: acca
Select Sign in.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging
The default web page will now be shown. Select the File List from the menu.
EA9 HMI Storage
The logged files will now be displayed. Click on the logged file.
EA9 HMI Storage
Our data will now be shown in our web browser. We can copy this logged information directly from our web browser and past it into an excel sheet in text format. (This will keep the columns separated.)
EA9 HMI Storage
In excel we can then manipulate the data the way we want.

Select the Eject USB button on the CMore panel will allow you to remove the USB drive. Plug it into a computer and we can then read the file in windows explorer.
EA9 HMI Storage

Download the PLC and C-More programs here.

Watch the video below to see data logging in action on our C-More EA9 HMI Panel.

C-More EA9 Panels from Automation Direct

C-More – Graphic Panel (EA9 Series) User Manual and Quick Start Guides
EA9-T10CL C-More Specifications
C-More EA9 Programming Software (Current Version V6.42)
This software will enable you to program all of the C-More EA9 HMI units. It includes a simulator for your application.

Next time we will look at the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) capability of our C-More HMI Panel.

Watch on YouTube: C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel Data Logging

If you have any questions or need further information please contact me.
Thank you,

If you’re like most of my readers, you’re committed to learning about technology. Numbering systems used in PLC’s are not difficult to learn and understand. We will walk through the numbering systems used in PLCs. This includes Bits, Decimal, Hexadecimal, ASCII and Floating Point.

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The ‘Robust Data Logging for Free’ eBook is also available as a free download. The link is included when you subscribe to ACC Automation.

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