ACC Automation 2018 Review

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CTT Counter Timer Tachometer – Tachometer Mode

The CTT series from Automation Direct are multi-function digital units. They incorporate a multi-function digital counter, timer and tachometer all within the same unit. Tachometer mode will bring in pulses that can be from a sensor, incremental encoder, etc. and convert this to a rate. Rates such as speed or frequency deal with units per … Read more

CTT Digital – Counter Timer Mixed Modes

The CTT series from Automation Direct are multi-function digital units. They incorporate a multi-function digital counter, timer and tachometer all within the same unit. The counter timer mixed mode will operate in sixteen (16) different ways. Two different count input modes can be selected. Up or Down can be selected. We will program eight of … Read more

CTT Counter Timer Tachometer – Counter Modes

The CTT series from Automation Direct are multi-function digital units. They incorporate a multi-function digital counter, timer and tachometer all within the same unit. The counter mode will operate in five (5) different ways. Up to five different count input modes can be selected. Up, Down, UP/Command Counting Down (UdA), UP/Counting Down (UdC) and Quadrature … Read more

CTT Counter Timer Tachometer – Timer Modes

The CTT series from Automation Direct are multi-function digital units. They incorporate a multi-function digital counter, timer and tachometer all within the same unit. The timer mode will operate in twelve (12) different ways. We will be looking at each of the timer modes on this versatile digital unit. Let’s get started.

CTT Counter Timer Tachometer – Getting Started

Digital Counter / Timer / Tachometer (CTT Series) The CTT series from Automation Direct are multi-function digital units. They incorporate a multi-function digital counter, timer and tachometer all within the same unit. This means that you have fewer stock items and the learning curve is minimized. The CCT series are easily configured as a digital … Read more

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