Omron CP1H Program Control Instructions

The Omron CP1H programmable logic controller has several different ways to control the program and the way in which your program executes. Sequence control, Subroutines, and Step instructions can be used. These are just a few ways in which the controller will execute your logic using a synchronous PLC scan. Understanding the PLC program scan … Read more

Horner XL4 Program Control Instructions

We will now look at program control in the Horner XL4 all in one controller. PLC programs scan usually from left to right, top to bottom. The outputs from the previous rung are available for the next. This is the operation of a PLC. Program control instructions allow us to add or remove parts of … Read more

Click PLC Program Control Instructions

The program control instructions will allow us to specify what parts of the logic get solved and when this happens. This will control how the PLC will scan and solve your logic in your program. 

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