C-More EA9 HMI FTP File Transfer Protocol

The C-More EA9 HMI Panel through the Ethernet port can be set up to use FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FTP is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files between a client and a server on a computer network.
The C-More HMI can be used as an FTP Client or Server depending on your application.
An FTP client can send and receive files from an FTP server site. You will need an FTP Server already set up in your network to use this feature. (Example: FTP Web Server) See the help file in the C-More software for more information on the Cmore FTP Client Setup and use.

The Cmore FTP Server can retrieve data from the C-more memory with requests from the client. The power of this setup is the ability to automate the retrieval of the information using a batch (BAT) file. We will be setting up the FTP Server function and access the data log that we set up previously using a PC as the client. Let’s get started.

Previously in this C-More EA9 HMI Panel series, we have done the following:
System Hardware
Unboxing and Review Video
Powering the Unit Video
Installing the SoftwareVideo
System Setup ScreensVideo
First Program
Establishing Communication and Updating Firmware Video
First Program Video
Panel to PLC and PLC to Panel SettingsVideo
Common Screen MenuVideo
Simulate ProjectVideo
Object List ShapesVideo
Object List ButtonsVideo
Object List IndicatorsVideo
Object List EntryVideo
Object List Meters and GraphsVideo
Object List BitmapsVideo
Object List RecipeVideo
Define Custom KeypadVideo
Object List AlarmsVideo
Object List TextVideo
Object List ClockVideo
Barcode Scanner InputVideo
Web Server and Remote AccessVideo
Data LoggingVideo

Watch the video below to see the FTP Server in action on our C-More EA9 HMI Panel.

What is FTP?

The FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files between a client and server on a computer network. Command-line programs were first used for FTP and still ship with most operating systems. Many FTP clients and automation utilities have since been developed for desktops, servers, and mobile devices.

C-More EA9 Ethernet Port Setup

The first thing that we need to do is ensure that our Ethernet port is set up on our current network. In the C-more programming software select Ethernet Port under the Panel Network in Setup. This is located on the Function tab of the Navigation window.
Alternatively, you can also use the main menu | Setup | Panel Network… Then select Ethernet Port on the left side.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel FTP - File Transfer Protocol
Select “Save setting to Project (Built-in Ethernet Port).
Assign a static IP address to our HMI panel. This will ensure that we can always find our device. (FTP Server)
Although we are not using the DNS Server yet, we will set this to the Google DNS server addresses. Select OK.
Our Ethernet port is set up for our application.

C-More FTP Service Setup

HMI EA9 File Transfer Protocol
Select from the main menu | Setup | Panel Network… Then select FTP Service on the left side. You can also use the FTP Service under the Panel Network in Setup on the Function tab of the navigation window.
HMI EA9 File Transfer Protocol
Select “Execute Panel FTP Server Service”. We will leave the port number as the default of 21. The maximum number of users that can use this service will be left as the default of 10.
HMI EA9 File Transfer Protocol
Here is our completed FTP Service window. Select OK.
HMI EA9 File Transfer Protocol
Transfer the project to the HMI panel. Make a note of the Ethernet IP address. We will need this later to connect to our FTP server.
HMI EA9 File Transfer Protocol
HMI EA9 File Transfer Protocol
Select OK.
We have completed the setup of our FTP server service on our C-more EA9 HMI panel.
Watch the video below to see this in action on our C-More HMI.

FTP Client using a Browser

The Google Chrome browser has removed all support for FTP. We will use the internet explorer (IE) browser to connect to our FTP server.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel FTP - File Transfer Protocol
Type ‘ftp://’ and the IP address of our FTP server. Press enter.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel FTP - File Transfer Protocol
Enter the user name (ACC) and password (acca) for the Cmore FTP server that we set up above.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel FTP - File Transfer Protocol
Click log on.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel FTP - File Transfer Protocol
The root directory will now be displayed. Click on the USB Pen Memory directory.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel FTP - File Transfer Protocol
Click on the log directory.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel FTP - File Transfer Protocol
This will now display the data logging files that we created last time on our USB memory stick. We can click on these files to open the text file or we can right click and save the file to our computer.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel FTP - File Transfer Protocol
Here is the directory under the recipes that we developed previously.

FTP Client – Command Prompt

Call up a command prompt on your windows based computer.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel FTP - File Transfer Protocol
Type FTP. This will then display an FTP prompt.
Type open [IP Address]
You will now be prompted for your User information (ACC). Press enter.
You will be prompted for your Password (acca). Press enter.
The window will now show User ACC logged in.
ftp prompt.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel FTP - File Transfer Protocol
Type cd (change directory). Press enter.
Type /USB_Pen_Memory/Log/
You will be informed that the CWD command was successful.
Type dir (directory)
A list of the log files will now be displayed.
C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel FTP - File Transfer Protocol
Type mget *.txt (multiple get)
This command will get all of the files with the extension of .txt.
At the prompt, type y for yes and press enter. The file will then be downloaded into your computer. Answer the same way until all of the files have been transferred.
Type quit and then enter.
This will end the FTP session and return the prompt.

Transfer files automatically using a BATCH (BAT) file

We can automate the retrieval of files by the use of a BAT file. This file will automate the DOS commands mentioned above. The following is a batch file called cmoreftp.bat.

@echo off
::Enter user name and password
echo user ACC> ftpcmd.dat
echo acca>> ftpcmd.dat
::Enter binary
echo binary>> ftpcmd.dat
::Change Directory
echo cd /USB_Pen_Memory/Log/>> ftpcmd.dat
::Remove Prompts
echo prompt>> ftpcmd.dat
::If a specific file is asked for then retrieve it
IF "%1"=="" GOTO deffile
echo mget %1>> *.txt
goto End
::Default file to ask for if nothing specified
echo mget *.txt>> ftpcmd.dat
::Get the file using FTP
echo quit>> ftpcmd.dat
ftp -n -s:ftpcmd.dat
del ftpcmd.dat

Download the PLC, C-More and Batch programs here.

Watch the video below to see the FTP Server Service in action on our C-More EA9 HMI Panel.

C-More EA9 Panels from Automation Direct

C-More – Graphic Panel (EA9 Series) User Manual and Quick Start Guides
EA9-T10CL C-More Specifications
C-More EA9 Programming Software (Current Version V6.42)
This software will enable you to program all of the C-More EA9 HMI units. It includes a simulator for your application.

Next time we will look at the email capability of our C-More HMI Panel.

Watch on YouTube: C-More EA9 HMI Series Panel FTP File Transfer Protocol

If you have any questions or need further information please contact me.
Thank you,

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