PLC Programming Mixing Tank – EasyPLC / Do-More

PLC Programming - Mixing Tank

Previously we looked at the easy PLC machine editor design simulation. We created a mixing tank simulation using the EasyPLC machine editor. The tank included a control panel and operation indication. We will now use the Do-More designer programming software to program the ladder logic for this EasyPLC mixing tank application. The built-in simulator of … Read more

3 Steps to PLC Programming – Learning

3 Steps to PLC Programming - Learning

You’ve had this idea for years since you were a kid. You want to be an electrical engineer, and you’re finally going to follow through on it and learn PLC programming to start your career off right! What? That’s what you thought, anyway. But then you started googling around, trying to figure out how to … Read more

Productivity 2000 PLC Ladder Logic Math

Productivity 2000 PLC Ladder Logic Math

Math instructions perform mathematical calculations. The Productivity 2000 Series PLC has math instructions that you can use in various applications. We will look at the Data Statistics (DATA) and the Math Editor (MATH). We will demonstrate both of these instructions using the examples in the help file. An average wind speed will be calculated using … Read more

Click PLC Analog Input Non-Linear Scaling

Click PLC Analog Input Non-Linear Scaling

The Click PLC has automatic linear scaling for the analog inputs and outputs. What if the analog input or output is not linear? How do you handle this in the PLC? Look at the following tank. We can measure the height, which is linear, but the volume will not because of the shape of the … Read more

Productivity 2000 PLC Ladder Logic Counter

Productivity 2000 PLC Ladder Logic Counter

Most programmable logic controller (PLC) programs will include a counter instruction. The Productivity 2000 Series PLC has two different counter instructions for your program. These can be used in several different ways to adapt to your application. Basically, counters are used to count up or down to a specific limit. When the limit is reached, … Read more

EasyPLC Palletizing Robot Programming Click PLC

EasyPLC Palletizing Robot Programming Click PLC

The EasyPLC palletizing robot will demonstrate sequencing and robot control using a PLC. This palletization process will fill a box container with six cans. A servo-controlled gantry robot using x and y is used to do this operation. The complete box will then travel along to another conveyor to an unloading area. A robot will … Read more