BRX Do-More PLC High-Speed Input Counter

BRX Do-More High Speed Input Counter

The BRX Do-More series of programmable logic controllers have built-in high-speed inputs. These inputs can function in Counter, Timer, or Pulse Catch modes. Every CPU will have either 6 or 10 high-speed inputs (HSI) available, depending on the model. These inputs can be used for input frequencies from 0 to 250Khz. 250Khz represents 250000 input … Read more

EasyPLC Paint Line Bit Shift – BRX Do-More PLC

EasyPLC Paint Line Bit Shift - BRX Do-More PLC

The Machine Simulator (MS) is part of the EasyPLC software suite. It has many built-in machines that are used to show different programming techniques. The paint line is one of these machines. It will use a bit shift (shift register) to track bottles along a conveyor belt. All the bottles will be detected using photocells … Read more

Do-More PLC – EasyPLC Box Selection Program

Do-More PLC – EasyPLC Box Selection Program

The Machine Simulator (MS) is part of the EasyPLC software suite. It has many built-in machines that can be programmed. The box selection (camera management and distribution) is one of these machines. It will read barcodes from the boxes and send them to different exit ramps. The Do-More Designer PLC Simulator will be used to … Read more