The Most Powerful PLC Instruction?

The Most Powerful PLC Instruction?

What is the most powerful PLC instruction? What instruction or concept is the most powerful when programming any manufacturer’s PLCs? Many people will guess timers, counters, or the set and reset bit instructions. These are all great instructions, but the most powerful is the indirect or pointer instruction. In PLC programming, pointers, also called indirect … Read more

Innovative Solution for Mixing Ink and Bottling

Innovative Solution for Mixing Ink and Bottling

We will now look at ink mixing and bottling PLC programming. EasyPLC software suite has a feature called Machine Simulator (MS) that comprises several machines that can be programmed, or you can design your own. One such machine is the ink mixer, which is used to mix different inks using the red, green, and blue … Read more

What is a PLC? (Programmable Logic Controller)

What is a PLC? (Programmable Logic Controller)

The most commonly asked question is, “What is a PLC?”. A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is a computer used to control industrial processes and machinery. It is designed to receive input signals from various sensors, process the information, and then send output signals to handle multiple machines and processes in real time. PLCs are widely … Read more

Box Dumper Easily Learn PLC Programming

Box Dumper Easily Learn PLC Programming

PLC programming is a valuable skill that can be learned without a significant financial investment. With the EasyPLC learning suite, you can gain hands-on experience with industrial simulation and connect it to PLCs. One such PLC option is the free simulator of the Do-More Designer, which provides a practical platform for learning. We will guide … Read more

Robot Packing PLC Program Development

Robot Packing PLC Program Development

The Machine Simulator (MS) is a valuable component of the EasyPLC software suite. It offers a range of built-in machines, including the robot packing machine, which effectively demonstrates various programming techniques. We will use the Click PLC programming software to showcase a sequencer application for this example. In this scenario, the robot is tasked with … Read more

Testing and Wiring PLC Digital Inputs

Testing and Wiring PLC Digital Inputs

To ensure the proper functioning of any PLC digital input, it is crucial to correctly test and wire the discrete inputs. By understanding the testing process and providing accurate wiring, we can guarantee the optimal performance of our PLC hardware. Testing the inputs allows us to verify that they function as intended and that our … Read more