C-More Micro HMI Object List Shapes

We will now look at shapes like lines, rectangles, circles, and frames that we can use on our C-More Micro HMI. The C-More Micro HMI Panel software uses virtual components called Objects. These objects are programmable to simulate the functions that you require on your automation project. Pushbuttons, Switches, meters, and graphs are just a … Read more

PLC Fiddle Math Challenge Examples

PLC Fiddle Math Challenge Examples

PLC programming will often involve math equations that need to be solved. Every manufacturer of programmable logic controllers will include math logic for you to use in your programs. Numbering systems play an important role. You can usually perform math using BCD (Binary Coded Decimal), Binary or Floating Point. Here is a link that will … Read more

Productivity 1000 PLC Array Functions Part 2

An array is a storage area for a group of common data type tags. They usually have some relationship to each other and need to be manipulated as a group. Last time we defined an array and use this in an indirect addressing program. It sequenced bits in an output card indirectly. In this second … Read more

C-More Micro HMI Simulate Project

The C-More Micro HMI Panel software has a simulation mode. This simulator will allow you to test your project before transferring it to a panel. Testing your application is a vital step in HMI program development. This feature of the software will save you time and money especially if your hardware is not available. The … Read more

PLC Fiddle Counter Challenge – Counters

Counters are used in a lot of PLC programs that I have seen. A timing chart is a secret behind understanding the counter that you need in your application. Making a timing chart before writing the program will ensure that all of the information will be accounted. The secret to using counters is a good … Read more

Productivity 1000 PLC Array Functions Part 1

An array is a storage area for a group of common data type tags. They usually have some relationship with each other and need to be manipulated as a group. We can use arrays for motion control, recipe management, sequencing (indirect addressing), math, etc. The Productivity 1000 Series PLC uses arrays that are programmed using … Read more