Wiring Discrete I/O to an XGB PLC

Wiring Discrete I/O to an XGB PLC

We will be wiring discrete inputs and outputs to an XGB PLC. This will be a lighted pushbutton start and stop. In industrial automation, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are crucial in controlling various machines and processes. One of the most widely used PLCs is the LS Electric XGB series, which is known for its reliability … Read more

Testing and Wiring PLC Digital Inputs

Testing and Wiring PLC Digital Inputs

To ensure the proper functioning of any PLC digital input, it is crucial to correctly test and wire the discrete inputs. By understanding the testing process and providing accurate wiring, we can guarantee the optimal performance of our PLC hardware. Testing the inputs allows us to verify that they function as intended and that our … Read more

Wiring a Stack Light to a PLC: Best Practices

Wiring a Stack Light to a PLC: Best Practices

A stack light is a valuable tool for displaying the status of a machine or process. This is used to draw the operator’s attention to the operation or condition of the machine. It is usually a vertical tower of colored lights programmed to turn on or off in various combinations to indicate different conditions. For … Read more