ACC Automation 2018 Review

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Click PLC Update Firmware – Software

Firmware is usually PLC operating system code that is written into a read only memory. The BIOS (Basic Input Output System) of a PC (personal computer) is a good example of firmware. It provides the low level interface between the hardware and software. The Click PLC firmware comes with the programming software. We will … Read more

CTT Counter Timer Tachometer – Tachometer Mode

The CTT series from Automation Direct are multi-function digital units. They incorporate a multi-function digital counter, timer and tachometer all within the same unit. Tachometer mode will bring in pulses that can be from a sensor, incremental encoder, etc. and convert this to a rate. Rates such as speed or frequency deal with units per … Read more

Productivity 1000 Series PLC Modbus TCP Ethernet

The productivity series of PLCs comes with 4 built-in communication ports for easy connectivity to your PC or various industrial networks. Ethernet protocols like Modbus TCP can be utilized with the RJ45 port on this PLC. Modbus TCP is an open (published) protocol that uses the Server (Master) / Client (Slave) architecture. It’s a very … Read more

C-More Micro HMI Object Text – EA3 Series

The C-More Micro HMI Panel software uses virtual components called Objects. Five different text objects are available for your industrial human-machine interface. (HMI) The static text will place words on your HMI page. Lookup text will display a message corresponding to a value in a tag register. The dynamic text will display the ASCII (American … Read more

CTT Digital – Counter Timer Mixed Modes

The CTT series from Automation Direct are multi-function digital units. They incorporate a multi-function digital counter, timer and tachometer all within the same unit. The counter timer mixed mode will operate in sixteen (16) different ways. Two different count input modes can be selected. Up or Down can be selected. We will program eight of … Read more