Arduino Uno Super Starter Kit LEDs

Arduino Uno Super Starter Kit LEDs

We will now be looking at LEDs that we can wire and program using our Arduino Uno super starter kit. Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are semiconductor devices that will show light when current passes through them. This light is produced within the solid semiconductor material so it can be called a solid-state lighting device. We will … Read more

Productivity Open P1AM Web Server

Productivity Open P1AM Web Server

We will now look at the productivity Arduino Ethernet web server that we will implement on our Productivity Open P1AM industrial Arduino controller. This P1AM Web Server Example is based on an example found here. This example uses the productivity open P1AM-ETH shield to create a web server that displays the input values of a … Read more

ACC Automation 2020 Yearly Review

ACC Automation 2020 Review

Accelerate Learning … Accelerate Machines… Accelerate Knowledge… ACC Automation What a difference a year makes! Social distancing, mask-wearing, hygiene, social circles, etc are just a few of the terms we hear every day in this Covid-19 world. Video conferencing with Zoom, Teams, and Google Meet are the norm in business today. Information is knowledge, and … Read more

P1AM Arduino Modbus TCP to C-More EA9

p1am arduino modbus tcp c-more ea9

We will now look at P1AM Arduino Modbus TCP communication to the C-More EA9 Series HMI. This will be communicating Ethernet Modbus TCP protocol. The P1AM will be the server (slave) and the EA9-RHMI the client (master). We will explain how to connect a headless C-more HMI to our P1AM-ETH Industrial Arduino Ethernet Shield. The … Read more

Productivity Open P1AM Industrial Arduino Modbus TCP to C-More Micro EA3

We will now look at P1AM Arduino Modbus TCP communication to the C-More Micro EA3 HMI. This will be communicating the Ethernet Modbus TCP protocol. The P1AM will be the server (slave) and the EA3-T4CL the client (master). There was a recent question on the Automation Direct Customer Forums that asked, “How do I connect … Read more

Omron CP1H to C-More Micro HMI Communication

The C-More Micro HMI panel is a series of human-machine interfaces (HMI) that provide a way for the operator to control and view your programmable logic controller. (PLC) The free C-more microprogramming software is user friendly and fully featured. C-more Micro panels can easily display text, graphics, and bitmaps to effectively communicate critical data to … Read more