PLC Programming Made EASY – XG5000 IL Simulator!

PLC Programming Made EASY - XG5000 IL Simulator!

Learn PLC programming the easy way with the XG5000 IL Simulator! We’ll show you how to simplify your PLC programming tasks and increase productivity. The XG5000 Simulator is part of the XG5000 PLC Programming software.  This powerful, completely free tool allows you to test and debug your PLC programs in a virtual environment without physical … Read more

XGB PLC Instruction List (IL) First AI Program

XGB PLC Instruction List (IL) First AI Program

Instruction List (IL) in PLC programming is a textual programming language, similar to assembly code, where a program is written as a series of instructions executed sequentially. This is a low-level language used to control Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). Instruction List is considered one of the five standard PLC programming languages defined by the IEC … Read more

Arduino OPTA PLC – Function Block Diagram (FBD)

Arduino OPTA PLC - Function Block Diagram (FBD)

The Arduino Opta IoT PLC offers a convenient way to program it using the Arduino PLC IDE in function block diagram (FBD) format. This is a simple and intuitive method, and it is one of the industrial PLC languages. In addition to FBD, you can program the Opta PLC using any of the five official … Read more

IoT Industry 4.0 Implementation and You

IoT Industry 4.0 Implementation and You

This introduction to IoT Industry 4.0 overviews the concepts and practical approach to the Industrial Internet of Things. Industry 4.0 builds on the digital revolution brought by Industry 3.0, which introduced computers like PLCs to the manufacturing floor and took us to the next level of technological advancement. The Internet of Things (IoT) protocol and … Read more

Arduino OPTA PLC – IL First Program

Arduino OPTA PLC - Instruction List (IL) First Program

This article discusses the Arduino PLC IDE in Instruction List (IL) format, an industrial programming language that is simple and intuitive for those familiar with mnemonic program code. The Opta PLC can be programmed using any of the five official languages specified in the IEC standard and sketches written in C++. This article will focus … Read more

Top 7 problems with beginners using ladder logic

Here are the top 7 problems and concepts beginners struggle with using ladder logic (Ladder Diagram). Ladder logic is a programming language used in PLCs, and it is based on the graphical representation of electrical relay logic circuits. Many beginners struggle with ladder logic because it requires a different mindset than traditional programming languages like … Read more