Horner XL4 FTP File Transfer Protocol Server

The Horner APG XL4 all in one controller through the Ethernet port can set up a FTP server. This FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server can be used to move files from the controller to the network. The server can have different security for reading and writing the files. We will use the program on the … Read more

Horner XL4 Recipe Instruction – All In One

The Horner APG XL4 all in one controller has recipe instructions. Recipes allow you to send or update multiple registers in your program from the removable micro SD memory card. Each recipe can have 250 ingredients and 1024 products. The number of recipes will be limited to the size of the removable memory card. We … Read more

Horner XL4 User Interface – All In One

We will now look at the Horner XL4 user interface. The HMI (Human Machine Interface) part of the XL4 all in one controller will be what the operator views. We will look at the features of the display and learn how our program will control what the display will show.

The 7 Essential Parts of a PLC System

We will now look at the parts of a PLC system. When I was in school PLCs were just in their infancy. We were taught that the PLC consisted of the central processing unit (CPU), analog and digital inputs, and outputs. Everything was programmed with dedicated handheld devices and/or software devices on specialized hardware. We … Read more

Click PLC Send and Receive Instructions

Receive and Send instructions will allow you to send and receive serial data to an external device. The communication method that you setup can be ASCII or Modbus. ASCII (American Standard Communication for Information Interchange) can be used to send to devices such as a printer. Receiving ASCII can be used for connecting barcode scanners … Read more

Click PLC Drum Instruction Sequence

Drum instructions are great tools when you have a simple sequence of events that need to occur at a set time interval or as a result of an event. They mimic an electromechanical drum sequencer. The Click PLC has a drum in the instruction set. We will discuss the drum instruction and look at an … Read more