XGB PLC Instruction List (IL) First AI Program

XGB PLC Instruction List (IL) First AI Program

Instruction List (IL) in PLC programming is a textual programming language, similar to assembly code, where a program is written as a series of instructions executed sequentially. This is a low-level language used to control Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). Instruction List is considered one of the five standard PLC programming languages defined by the IEC … Read more

ACC Automation 2024: Year in Review

ACC Automation 2024: Year in Review

As we conclude another year of learning PLC programming at ACC Automation, we are excited to reflect on the progress, innovations, and milestones we’ve achieved in 2024. This year has been filled with growth, learning, and pushing the limits of industrial automation. Let’s highlight some key events from the year.

XGB PLC Simulator Ladder Logic Diagram

XGB PLC Simulator Ladder Logic Diagram

PLC Simulator is a convenient tool for testing and troubleshooting ladder logic programs in the XG5000 programming software. It allows you to simulate the operation of a programmable logic controller (LS Electric PLC) without needing actual hardware. This makes it a valuable asset for beginners and experienced programmers. We will demonstrate how to effectively use … Read more

Install & Com w/ XG5000 PLC: Guide for Beginners

Install & Com w/ XG5000 PLC: Guide for Beginners

Programming a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) can be daunting, especially if you need to become more familiar with the software and hardware. We’ll guide you through installing the XG5000 programming software to program the LS Electric XGB PLC. A mini USB cable will establish communication and set up the Ethernet port on the CPU unit. … Read more

ACC Automation 2023 Review – PLC Learning

ACC Automation 2023 Review - PLC Learning

Over the past year, ACC Automation has continued to provide valuable content on PLC learning and industrial control. In 2023, the focus continued with PLC learning with minimum investment. Each year, we like to reflect on the past, present, and future of ACC Automation. The site has been built with the help of its audience, … Read more

Arduino OPTA PLC – Function Block Diagram (FBD)

Arduino OPTA PLC - Function Block Diagram (FBD)

The Arduino Opta IoT PLC offers a convenient way to program it using the Arduino PLC IDE in function block diagram (FBD) format. This is a simple and intuitive method, and it is one of the industrial PLC languages. In addition to FBD, you can program the Opta PLC using any of the five official … Read more