Click PLC Send and Receive Instructions

Receive and Send instructions will allow you to send and receive serial data to an external device. The communication method that you setup can be ASCII or Modbus. ASCII (American Standard Communication for Information Interchange) can be used to send to devices such as a printer. Receiving ASCII can be used for connecting barcode scanners … Read more

Click PLC Drum Instruction Sequence

Drum instructions are great tools when you have a simple sequence of events that need to occur at a set time interval or as a result of an event. They mimic an electromechanical drum sequencer. The Click PLC has a drum in the instruction set. We will discuss the drum instruction and look at an … Read more

Click PLC Shift Register Instruction

A lot of times when programming a PLC you need to track what has previously happened. Shift registers allow you to do just that. The Click PLC has a shift register in the instruction set. We will discuss the shift register and look at an example.

Understanding the PLC Program Scan

Understanding how the PLC will scan and update your program is critical in programming and troubleshooting your system. Typically a PLC will solve your logic from left to right, top to bottom. The status of the memory from the previous rung, are available for the next rung to use. We will look at a few … Read more

Click PLC Program Control Instructions

The program control instructions will allow us to specify what parts of the logic get solved and when this happens. This will control how the PLC will scan and solve your logic in your program. 

Click PLC Compare and Math Instructions

Compare and math instructions in the Click PLC will allow you to do a number of things. We will use the compare instructions to turn on bits which will indicate production shifts. Using the math instruction we will convert the number of units made to a weight.