Latest C-More CM5 HMI Game Changer

Latest C-More CM5 HMI Game Changer

The CM5 industrial HMI from the C-more series is a competent and versatile human-machine interface packed with several advanced features and functionalities not typically found in an operator panel. This latest addition to the C-more series has been specifically designed to cater to the requirements of industrial automation applications, providing a dependable and user-friendly interface … Read more

C-More Micro HMI Object Numeric Entry

We will now look at the C-More Micro Numeric Entry objects. The C-More Micro HMI Panel software uses virtual components called Objects. These objects are programmable to simulate the functions that you require on your automation project. Several of these objects can be placed on a one-panel screen and you can have multiple panel screens. … Read more

ACC Automation 2017 Review

ACC Automation We would like to take a few minutes and reflect on the past, current and future of ACC Automation. 2017 has been our best year yet thanks to you. Your questions, comments and suggestions have helped us to build the site that you see today. Thank you.