BRX Do-More PLC Using Modbus IO Scanner Profile

BRX Do-More PLC Using the Modbus IO Scanner Profile

The Do-More Designer Programming Software (2.9) or higher includes a Modbus I/O Scanner with some profiles for Modbus Server (Slave) devices. This will greatly reduce the time it takes to implement and troubleshoot communications in your projects. Modbus communications are done independent of the PLC scan time and will have little or no ladder logic … Read more

BRX Do-More Simple Modbus Serial Communication

BRX Do-More Simple Modbus Serial Communication

The newest Do-More Designer Programming Software (2.9) version includes a Modbus I/O Scanner. This Modbus scanner will simplify Modbus RTU serial communications to any device. Communications are done independent of the PLC scan time and will have little or no ladder logic for the program. We will be communicating to a Solo process temperature controller … Read more

BRX Do-More PLC High-Speed Input Timer

BRX Do-More PLC High-Speed Input Timer

The High-Speed discrete inputs can be configured to measure the amount of time between pulses. When you want a scaled value representing a speed or rate, the high-speed input timer is a better option for pulse rates below 5 kHz. This is compared to using the high-speed input pulse counting selection. The BRX Do-More series … Read more

EasyPLC Paint Line Bit Shift – BRX Do-More PLC

EasyPLC Paint Line Bit Shift - BRX Do-More PLC

The Machine Simulator (MS) is part of the EasyPLC software suite. It has many built-in machines that are used to show different programming techniques. The paint line is one of these machines. It will use a bit shift (shift register) to track bottles along a conveyor belt. All the bottles will be detected using photocells … Read more

Do-More Designer Element Browser

Do-More Designer Element Browser

The element browser in the Do-More Designer software will display valid memory locations, add documentation, and show how to cast from one memory type to another. We will be discussing the element browser and how to take advantage of this in your Do-More program. Let’s get started.

BRX Do-More PLC FTP Client Get Put

BRX Do-More PLC FTP Client Get Put Windows 10 FTP Server

We will look at the BRX Do-More FTP (File Transfer Protocol) on our PLC. Using FTPGET and FTPPUT instructions we can transfer files to an FTP server. Our BRX Do-More PLC now has the ability to be an FTP Client. This will allow us to transfer our logged files to an FTP server that we … Read more