Productivity 2000 Series PLC Online Programming

The Productivity Suite Software allows us to modify our existing program and execute the new code without stopping the scanning of the PLC. This is referred to as online programming or editing. We change the ladder logic code and when we save it to the PLC, the current scan of the PLC is held until … Read more

Productivity 2000 Series PLC Program Documentation

Productivity 2000 Series PLC Program Documentation

Previously we created our first program using the Productivity Suite Software and transferred this to our connected Productivity 2000 Series PLC. One of the most important aspects of programming the PLC is to document. This will aid you and your team in programming, troubleshooting, and modifying the automation control system. Your documentation should read like … Read more

Productivity 2000 Series PLC Debug Mode

Productivity 2000 Series PLC Debug Mode

The productivity suite programming software has a debug mode. This will allow you to view and control the rung execution on your ladder logic code. These programming tools allow you to troubleshoot, find, and correct errors in the PLC programming logic. We will be adding a couple of rungs to our exiting start-stop circuit we … Read more

Click PLC EasyPLC Warehouse Stacker Example

Click PLC EasyPLC Warehouse Stacker Operation

The Machine Simulator (MS) is part of the EasyPLC software suite. It has many built-in machines that are used to show different programming techniques. The warehouse stacker example is one of these machines. Pallets are loaded and unloaded into the stacker machine. A maximum of 30 pallets can be stored. The stacker will work as … Read more

Productivity 2000 Series PLC First Program

Productivity 2000 Series PLC First Program

We will be creating our first Productivity 2000 Series PLC program. This will be done in ladder logic. The default physical IO and PLC task management will be discussed. Previously we communicated to our productivity 2000 PLC and automatically created the hardware configuration. We also set the hot-swap feature of our physical input and output … Read more

Productivity 2000 Series PLC Software Install

Productivity 2000 Series PLC Software Install

The Productivity 2000 Series PLC uses the Productivity Suite Software. It is a complete package without restrictions or limitations. The software can be downloaded free of charge. The latest Productivity Suite software version is 3.10.2(1). Automation Direct has put over 20 years of programmable controller software experience, customer suggestions, and feedback into this programming package. … Read more

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