Omron PLC Node-RED Serial Communication

PLC manufactures have their own proprietary protocols. These methods of communication will allow you to program the controller. Other protocols will allow you to collect and log information from the programmable logic controller. Node-RED has the ability to read and write to the Omron controller using special protocol commands. We will connect Node-RED to the … Read more

Learn PLC Programming without spending a dime!

plc basics programmable logic controller

I have been writing PLC programs for over 20 years. I often get asked what the best way to learn PLC programming is. Programming in the way I was taught in college was with the Motorola 6809. (Yes, I know that I am dating myself) This was microprocessor programming, but it was the best way … Read more

Here is a Method for a Faster PLC Program

PLC programming involves both direct and indirect addressing. Direct address programming involves writing each ladder logic rung to do the operation required. We often forget about using powerful indirect addressing to solve our logic. Indirect Addressing – Faster PLC Program The below-animated picture will show a simple example of using indirect addressing. This will use … Read more