Productivity 1000 PLC Modbus ASCII Protocol

We will not look at the productivity 1000 plc modbus ascii protocol to the Solo process temperature controller. This will be done in ladder logic on our productivity 1000 PLC. Modbus ASCII is a communication method used for transmitting information over serial lines between electronic devices. The device requesting the information is called the Modbus … Read more

Productivity 1000 PLC to Modbus TCP RTU BX-MBIO

We will now look at the productivity 1000 plc modbus tcp rtu communication to the BX-MBIO controller. The Productivity 1000 PLC can communicate to a remote I/O (input and output) controller modules using the Modbus protocol for communications. The BX-MBIO provides both Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP interfaces. Modbus RTU is a serial communication and … Read more

Click PLC to Modbus TCP RTU Remote IO BX-MBIO

The Click PLC can communicate to a remote I/O (input and output) controller modules using the Modbus protocol for communications. The BX-MBIO provides both Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP interfaces for remote IO. Modbus RTU is a serial communication and Modbus TCP is an Ethernet communication. Modbus RTU is supported over an RS-485 serial connection. … Read more

Productivity 1000 PLC to Modbus TCP Remote IO

The Productivity Series of PLC can use Modbus TCP remote IO (inputs and outputs) from Stride. The Stride Field I/O Modules are simple and compact. They provide an economical means to connect inputs and outputs to an Ethernet Modbus TCP communication network. Every module operates as a standalone Modbus TCP server and can be configured … Read more

Stride Field Remote IO Modbus TCP Ethernet

The Stride Field Remote I/O Modules are simple and compact. They provide an economical means to connect inputs and outputs to an Ethernet Modbus TCP communication network. Every module operates as a standalone Modbus TCP server and can be configured via a built-in web server. We will be looking at the following two Stride Remote … Read more

BRX Do-More PLC HTTP JSON Instructions

We will now look at the BRX Do-More HTTP JSON instructions in the PLC. One of the features of the BRX Do-More Series PLC is the ability to expand its capability to fit your application. Software and hardware changes are ongoing so the PLC can grow with your needs. Communication is something that the BRX … Read more