ACC Automation 2018 Review

We would like to take a few minutes and reflect on the past, current and future of ACC Automation. Your questions, comments and suggestions have helped us to build the site that you see today. Thank you. YouTube Channel : ACC Automation 2018 has been our best year yet thanks to you.

ACC Automation 2017 Review

ACC Automation We would like to take a few minutes and reflect on the past, current and future of ACC Automation. 2017 has been our best year yet thanks to you. Your questions, comments and suggestions have helped us to build the site that you see today. Thank you.

Implementing the Omron Host Link Protocol VB.Net

Previously we used VB6 (Visual Basic 6) to implement the Omron Host Link Protocol to communicate to our programmable logic controller. (PLC) In part 2 we used Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to accomplish our host link serial communication. We will now look at using VB.Net to establish and retrieve information in and out of … Read more

Deploying an AdvancedHMI Project – Installation

Deploying an AdvancedHMI project on the industrial floor sounds like an easy task, but there are a few things that you should consider. The HMI (Human Machine Interface) user interface will run on a computer. The industrial environment is one in which temperature, dust, electrical noise, etc. are always present. This can also be combined … Read more

Modbus TCP Data Logging to Database

Using Visual Basic 2015 we will log three holding registers from the PLC along with time and date into a Microsoft Access Database. We will log every minute into the database with the information that we collect from the PLC via Modbus TCP (Ethernet). All code will be done and shown so you can implement this in … Read more

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