Building a PLC Program – Part 5 – Simon Game

We will now look at the Game of Simon for our part 5 in this series of building a PLC program. Learning all about bit manipulation and sequencers Simon is a memory game introduced in 1978. It has four colored buttons, each producing a particular tone when it is pressed or activated by the device. … Read more

Create a PLC HMI Training Learning Environment

We will now create a PLC with HMI Training and learning environment. We will use the Automation Direct Do-More programming software tied into the Advanced HMI learning package via Modbus TCP. All of the software is free and fully functional. Learn PLC programming and use a powerful HMI (Human Machine Interface) easily and freely. Setting … Read more

How to Implement Modbus TCP Protocol VBA Excel

We are using Modbus TCP protocol, reading ten registers in the PLC, and displaying a bar graph in Excel. e will use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to communicate with a PLC. Previously we have used VB6 to communicate Modbus TCP. Sequence for Modbus TCP on Excel using VBA The following steps will be done: … Read more

PLC Program Example – Paint Spraying

We will look at a PLC basic tutorial of a paint spraying station. Following the five steps to program development, this PLC programming example should fully explain the procedure for developing the PLC program logic. Ladder logic will be our PLC programming language. We will use the Do-more Designer software, which comes with a simulator. … Read more

PLC Program Example – Shift Register (Conveyor)

We apply the five steps of PLC development to a plc shift register example. This PLC programming example will use a shift register to reject a product on a conveyor. When programming a PLC, you need to track what has previously happened. Shift registers allow you to do just that. We will look at a … Read more