Five Steps to PLC Program Development

steps plc program development

Programming a PLC can sometimes be a daunting task. The best method is to break the task into smaller steps. These are the steps that I have used for years to develop PLC programs. We will apply them to a die-stamping application. Step 1 – Define the task: What has to happen? This is written … Read more

Who Wants to Learn About On Off and PID Control?

Process control can be a bit intimidating. We will try and break down both On/Off and PID control in a fun way. This is a simple analogy without any math. On-Off Control Explained On/Off control can be used effectively with temperature control. Everyone’s house usually has a temperature controller that uses an On/Off control. The … Read more

How to Make a One-Shot in the PLC

A one-shot in the PLC will turn an output on for one scan. This is used to trigger events that should only happen once. An example of this would be to increment a value in memory. If a one-shot is not used, then every scan of the PLC will increment the value. What is a … Read more

How PLC Outputs Work – Discrete and Analog

This post is a further follow-up from my original ‘Here’s a Quick Way to Understand PLC Inputs and Outputs.’ There are two different kinds of PLC outputs, Discrete and analog. Discrete outputs are either ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’; 1 or 0. You can think of them as a single light bulb. Analog outputs have a range … Read more

How PLC Inputs Work – Discrete and Analog

This post is a further follow-up from my original ‘Here’s a Quick Way to Understand PLC Inputs and Outputs.’ There are two different kinds of PLC inputs, Discrete and analog. Discrete inputs are either ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’; 1 or 0. You can think of them as a single switch. Analog inputs have a range to … Read more

Learn PLC Programming without spending a dime!

plc basics programmable logic controller

I have been writing PLC programs for over 20 years. I often get asked what the best way to learn PLC programming is. Programming in the way I was taught in college was with the Motorola 6809. (Yes, I know that I am dating myself) This was microprocessor programming, but it was the best way … Read more