EasyPLC Simulator Robotic Cell BRX Do-More PLC

EasyPLC Simulator Robotic Cell BRX Do-More PLC

The Machine Simulator (MS) is part of the EasyPLC software suite. It has many built-in machines that are used to show different programming techniques. The robotic cell example is one of these machines. This will demonstrate a sequencer example. In this case, an engine is lifted and placed onto a rack. The logic will step … Read more

BRX Do-More PLC Using Modbus IO Scanner Profile

BRX Do-More PLC Using the Modbus IO Scanner Profile

The Do-More Designer Programming Software (2.9) or higher includes a Modbus I/O Scanner with some profiles for Modbus Server (Slave) devices. This will greatly reduce the time it takes to implement and troubleshoot communications in your projects. Modbus communications are done independent of the PLC scan time and will have little or no ladder logic … Read more

Productivity 2000 Series PLC CPU Display

Productivity 2000 Series PLC CPU Display

The Productivity Series 2000 and 3000 CPUs and remote controllers have OLED/LCD displays. The data can be system errors and information or user-defined messages programmed through ladder logic. Operators, maintenance, or programmer can use this information for running conditions,  troubleshooting, or other items for the PLC system. We will be looking at the CPU OLED/LCD … Read more

EasyPLC Simulator Robotic Cell Click PLC

EasyPLC Simulator Robotic Cell Click PLC

The Machine Simulator (MS) is part of the EasyPLC software suite. It has many built-in machines that are used to show different programming techniques. The robotic cell example is one of these machines. This will demonstrate a sequencer example. In this case, an engine is lifted and placed onto a rack. The logic will step … Read more

Productivity 2000 Series PLC Program Documentation

Productivity 2000 Series PLC Program Documentation

Previously we created our first program using the Productivity Suite Software and transferred this to our connected Productivity 2000 Series PLC. One of the most important aspects of programming the PLC is to document. This will aid you and your team in programming, troubleshooting, and modifying the automation control system. Your documentation should read like … Read more

EasyPLC Simulator Productivity PLC Robotic Cell

EasyPLC Machine Simulator Productivity PLC Robotic Cell

The Machine Simulator (MS) is part of the EasyPLC software suite. It has many built-in machines that are used to show different programming techniques. The robotic cell example is one of these machines. This will demonstrate a sequencer example. The logic will step through different steps in order to perform the task. In this case, … Read more