Omron CP1H PLC Programming Timers

The Omron CP1H series of programmable logic controllers are capable of having 4096 timers. There are twelve different timing instructions in the PLC. Six binary and six BCD instructions for the set values of the timers separate the six basic instructions. The memory area for timers has separate areas for the Timer PVs (Present values) … Read more

Omron CP1H PLC CX-Programmer Software

The Omron CP1H series of programmable logic controllers are programmed from CX-Programmer. CX-Programmer is part of the Omron CX-One Factory Automation Integrated Tool Package. This software package integrates support software for Omron PLC and other components. Traditionally you had to purchase and install individual support software compatible with each unit and then connect to each … Read more

Omron CP1H PLC System Hardware – CP1 Series

Omron PLC - CP1H Series (CP1 Omron PLC Family)

We will now look at the system hardware of the Omron CP1H controller. The Omron CP1 series of programmable logic controllers consists of three different units. CP1E is the cost-effective unit, CP1L is the high-performing controller that can come with embedded Ethernet and the Omron CP1H is the position control and comprehensive programmable logic controller. … Read more

Click PLC AdvancedHMI Communication

We will now look at the click plc advancedhmi Modbus serial communication. Advanced HMI is a powerful, adaptable HMI/SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) development package that takes advantage of Visual Studio. There is no coding required and you can simply drag and drop items onto the page. The best thing is that the software … Read more

Click PLC Send and Receive Instructions

Receive and Send instructions will allow you to send and receive serial data to an external device. The communication method that you setup can be ASCII or Modbus. ASCII (American Standard Communication for Information Interchange) can be used to send to devices such as a printer. Receiving ASCII can be used for connecting barcode scanners … Read more

Click PLC Drum Instruction Sequence

Drum instructions are great tools when you have a simple sequence of events that need to occur at a set time interval or as a result of an event. They mimic an electromechanical drum sequencer. The Click PLC has a drum in the instruction set. We will discuss the drum instruction and look at an … Read more