Arduino OPTA PLC – Function Block Diagram (FBD)

Arduino OPTA PLC - Function Block Diagram (FBD)

The Arduino Opta IoT PLC offers a convenient way to program it using the Arduino PLC IDE in function block diagram (FBD) format. This is a simple and intuitive method, and it is one of the industrial PLC languages. In addition to FBD, you can program the Opta PLC using any of the five official … Read more

Arduino OPTA PLC – IL First Program

Arduino OPTA PLC - Instruction List (IL) First Program

This article discusses the Arduino PLC IDE in Instruction List (IL) format, an industrial programming language that is simple and intuitive for those familiar with mnemonic program code. The Opta PLC can be programmed using any of the five official languages specified in the IEC standard and sketches written in C++. This article will focus … Read more

Top 7 problems with beginners using ladder logic

Here are the top 7 problems and concepts beginners struggle with using ladder logic (Ladder Diagram). Ladder logic is a programming language used in PLCs, and it is based on the graphical representation of electrical relay logic circuits. Many beginners struggle with ladder logic because it requires a different mindset than traditional programming languages like … Read more

Building a PLC Program that you can be Proud of

Building a PLC Program that you can be Proud of

Building a PLC program series will take you through developing and programming PLC logic. This six-part series was released almost seven years ago but is still relevant today. Each part will add and build upon the previous step. This series will look at different ways to solve the same machine logic. Using discrete inputs and … Read more

Timing Diagram NOT Just Used for a Timer

Logic circuits in a PLC ladder logic program are either on or off. The inputs change, which will affect the outputs. This can be expressed in a timing diagram. The timing diagram or chart will show you how the ladder logic program will respond to the changing states of the inputs and outputs. This visual … Read more

Click PLC Simple Conveyor EasyPLC

Click PLC Simple Conveyor EasyPLC

The Machine Simulator (MS) is part of the EasyPLC software suite. It has many built-in machines that can be programmed. A simple conveyor is one of these machines. This is usually the starting point for learning about the machine simulator. This conveyor example will use two digital inputs and two digital outputs. A pallet will … Read more