Omron PLC Node-RED Serial Communication

PLC manufactures have their own proprietary protocols. These methods of communication will allow you to program the controller. Other protocols will allow you to collect and log information from the programmable logic controller. Node-RED has the ability to read and write to the Omron controller using special protocol commands. We will connect Node-RED to the … Read more

BRX Do-More PLC Modbus ASCII Protocol

Do-more plc modbus ascii protocol will be used to communicate to a  Solo process temperature controller. A sample program will explain in detail how this is accomplished through a serial port. Modbus is a communication method used for transmitting information over serial lines between electronic devices. The device requesting the information is called the Modbus … Read more

BRX Do-More PLC HTTP JSON Instructions

We will now look at the BRX Do-More HTTP JSON instructions in the PLC. One of the features of the BRX Do-More Series PLC is the ability to expand its capability to fit your application. Software and hardware changes are ongoing so the PLC can grow with your needs. Communication is something that the BRX … Read more

BRX Do-More PLC Data Logging (CSV)

Data logging does not have to be complicated anymore. The BRX Do-More Series PLC can log your specific data up to 32 Gigabits on a Micro SD Card. It will store your data for future data analysis in a CSV (Comma Separated Value) Txt file based on time and/or event. This is all accomplished with … Read more

ACC Automation 2017 Review

ACC Automation We would like to take a few minutes and reflect on the past, current and future of ACC Automation. 2017 has been our best year yet thanks to you. Your questions, comments and suggestions have helped us to build the site that you see today. Thank you.

BRX Do-More PLC Modbus RTU to Solo Controller

We will now look at using serial Modbus RTU to communicate to a Solo process temperature controller using our BRX Do-More Controller. Serial communication instructions will allow you to send and receive serial data to an external device. The communication method that you setup can be ASCII or numeric (binary). ASCII (American Standard Communication for … Read more