C-More Micro Program Quick Start

C-More Micro Program Quick Start

We will now look at the C-More Micro program quick start. This will demonstrate how to quickly get your C-More Micro Program up and communicating to your programmable logic controller. (PLC) The general steps involved with a human-machine interface (HMI) program will include, program development, ladder logic, and HMI program development. We will be breaking … Read more

Do-More Designer Element Browser

Do-More Designer Element Browser

The element browser in the Do-More Designer software will display valid memory locations, add documentation, and show how to cast from one memory type to another. We will be discussing the element browser and how to take advantage of this in your Do-More program. Let’s get started.

C-More Drop-Down Menu Create – All Models

C-More Drop-Down Menu Create

The C-More can create a drop-down menu. This applies to all models of the HMI controller. A drop-down is a menu that offers a list of options. The currently selected item in the list is always displayed. When the visible item is selected (touched), other items from the list “drop-down” into view, and the operator … Read more

Raspberry Pi Serial Port Programming

Raspberry Pi Serial Port Programming

Node-RED will be used on the Raspberry Pi 4 to communicate serial Modbus RTU to a Solo process temperature controller and Click PLC using twisted pair RS485. This will be done on the same serial network so the devices will be daisy-chained together on the two wires. We will be reading the PV (present value) … Read more

Arduino Uno Super Starter Kit LCD Display

Arduino Uno LCD Display

An LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) is a great way to display information in our Arduino Uno controller. We will be wiring and programming an alphanumeric, two rows with 16 characters on each row. The display has an LED (Light Emitting Diode) backlight with adjustable contrast. This white and blue LCD will display “Hello World!” on … Read more

Node-RED Modbus TCP Handling Errors

Node-RED Modbus TCP Handling Communication Errors

Node-RED Modbus TCP can recover from communication errors automatically. Options are available to you the programmer to continue the Node-RED flow upon detection of these errors. Broken Ethernet cable, Modbus Server power, and Node-RED Client offline are just a few of the errors that can occur on the industrial plant floor. Our Node-RED program must … Read more